Vermako outlines the privacy policytowards the protection of data collected and tries to fulfil the same underthe correct laws and regulations. As per the privacy policy, the Vermako willaccess the personal data collected.

Customers should have proper knowledge on what Vermako does with the information collected. We are concerned about maintaining data privacy. Different categories of data collected We collect different categories of data andit includes the categories given below. Identifydata This includes name, address, shipping details, contact details, country, and date of birth. In addition, you can also add some public data that is easily available about you through other sources. In contact details, you also have to provide bank account details such as bank name, transaction amount, card number and thelike. Onlineidentifiers · Itincludes some technical data like where from you are logged into our site, IP address and the like. · We get details like location, network carrier, and others when you access our app from the mobile device ·

Communicationdetails like personal data, metadata that we get from SMS or email or callswith the user · Detailslike how you access our website and the products you browse through and thelike Lawsto access personal data Vermako can access users' data accordingto the laws and regulations and rely on the following lawful conditions asgiven below. · Processingto get into some agreement with you or take necessary steps for the same · Youhave agreed with us for using your personal data for some processing · Todevelop, evaluate or improve product and service · Processingis vital that should comply with legal steps of the site · Theprocessing is important for the purpose of legitimate interest As the data processing is based on users'consent, the user has the right to withdraw the content at any point in time.Upon receiving the request of the consent withdrawal, you will be connected forthe processing of the request and then upon agreement, it shall be withdrawnfrom the site. Cookiesand others used as part of digital property Cookies as said are small files that areplaced on your device upon visiting our site.

Also, other types of trackers areapplicable. Also, when using the mobile app, some kind of permissions arerequired that is used for the efficient functioning of the website. It issolely for the information of the website or the application owners of Vermako.